(click on collage to see larger image - if you want.)

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...recognize the true importance of a single moment in time, the instant when you are fully and completely alive!
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They would make a fabulous scrapbook page!!
How did you do that collage??
You are SO good! LOL
maybe I'll have to develop them and bring them to our "National Scrapbooking Day" to scrapbook!
I did the collage in HP Photosmart Essential that came with my camera. I did an album page and just saved it. It's lots of fun because you just choose your layout and then drag and drop your pictures.
great photos
what fun your kids had
we like to have picnic dinners at the beach sometimes
That came out great. I've missed checking your blog, but since I'm better now I shouldn't be missing a thing. Love the way you put the those particular pictures together.
How fun! Great collage :)
lovely collage and lovelier family!
SHABBAT shalom my friend. have a grand weekend. love you.
These fotos are great. I love the collage also. How did you do that? What did you use?
Ella and Aidan are too precious.
I really love the tree branch foto with the sunset. That is a great one.
beautiful pics erin!!
looks like you guys had a GREAT time!!!
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