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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Introducing My Neighbors!

I have the great pleasure of introducing my two sweet neighbors to all of you (one on either side of us) who have become fellow bloggers. I take all the credit for this (just kidding). So without further ado, please join me in welcoming Andrea and Tara, two of the sweetest women I know and lucky me, I get them as my neighbors! Now go say hi, go!


Andrea said...'re so sweet! And you should take all the credit. If it weren't for you, I'd have no idea about the blogging world!!

Unknown said...

How fun that you have such young families around you. We live in an area with lots of older folks, which is ok, but I long for a neighborhood with youngin's for my family and for me! :)

Welcome girls!

Count down to Josh Groban Concert